25 April 2017
Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy
The Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy is a training initiative jointly organised by EIUC and CHRA. The 7-day intense programme is aimed at young professionals wishing to broaden their understanding on the connections between human rights, films, digital media and video advocacy. The School provides a unique occasion for participants to share ideas and foster critical thinking on urgent human rights issues, debate with experts and filmmakers in conjunction with the 74th Venice international Film Festival, and learn how to use visual media as a tool for social and cultural change. Participants will be given accreditation to the Film Festival providing access to a selection of festival screenings.
THE PROGRAMME: The Summer School offers an exciting combination of lectures, film screenings, discussions and working groups that combine human rights expertise, media studies and video advocacy strategies. The eight teaching sessions develop issues relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights illustrated in Films, a History of Human Rights Cinema, Freedom of Expression and Censorship, the Role of the Media in Advancing Human Rights Causes, the Use of Video in Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy, Production and Distribution of Human Rights Films and Social Documentaries and Documentary Film Project Development. Each module is illustrated by film or documentary screenings.
LECTURERS AND EXPERTS: The faculty is composed by internationally acclaimed experts in film, television, photography and human rights such as the photographer and filmmaker Nick Danziger, Professor of international law at Middlesex University in London Bill Schabas, Dartmouth Films Founder and Managing Director Christopher Hird, EIUC Secretary General Manfred Nowak, Chair of International Law - University of Antwerp Koen de Feyeter, Witness Programme Manager Kelly Matheson, and Senior Lecturer in Film and Television at Birkbeck - University of London Emma Sandon.
Dates: 28 August – 3 September 2017
Early bird deadline: 15 May 2017 // Deadline for enrolment: 21 June 2017
For any query about the Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy you can drop a mail to chra@eiuc.org or use the contact form