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23 April 2013

Racial Groups Seminar


Dear Colleague

I am delighted to launch a series of seminars, organised by the Law Society, entitled Diversity and the Law.

These seminars will highlight the impact of the law on and the contribution of the law towards creating a more diverse and pluralist society in which good relations are promoted between different people from different backgrounds and circumstances.

The series will facilitate a broad discussion between various interest groups, solicitors and others, with a view to identifying best practice, progress that has been made in the relevant areas and where further work and development needs to be undertaken.

I have chosen to organise the theme around the different categories set out in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, namely Racial Groups, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Marital Status and With or Without Dependents, Religious Beliefs/Political Opinions, Disability and Age.  At each event stakeholders and interested groups will also be represented and there will be a panel discussion.

Details of the first seminar are indicated below:


Date:Thursday 2nd May 2013
Time:12 Noon - 2:00pm
Venue:Law Society House
CPD Hours:1 General Group Study


A panel discussion to tackle issues facing ethnic minorities in Northern Ireland and their interactions with the legal system with representatives from the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities, judiciary, civic leaders and representatives of the Solicitor profession.

If you would like to secure your place at this seminar please contact Jennifer Ferguson by email:

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis as available places are limited. We would encourage you to book
your free place as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Details of the series of seminars will be published in the due course.

Michael Robinson




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