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14 December 2022

Planning and Water Appeals Commission - Stakeholder Feedback

The Planning and Water Appeals Commission (PACWAC) is seeking views on the Commission’s working model and how it aligns with the needs of customers.

In the 2021/22 Annual Review, the Chief Commissioner advised that she planned to build on the positive steps made during the Covid-19 pandemic in implementing new ways of working.

Emerging out of the pandemic, the Commission would like to engage with stakeholders to discuss the Commission’s working model.

This questionnaire is the first part of that engagement process.  The input and opinion of stakeholders is important to inform any future operating model. 

PACWAC wants to know what has worked well, what has worked less well and how customers would like to see the service developing in the future.

Whilst respondees may not have experience in every area, however, PACWAC would appreciate if you could answer all the questions or as many as you can. 

It would also be very grateful if you could share this questionnaire with relevant interested parties.

Completed responses should be returned to by Monday 16th January 2023.



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