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19 January 2010

New Law Society CPD Programme Announced

The new Law Society CPD programme is now online!

Dear Colleague

The Society is pleased to announce that the new CPD Programme of Events is now available to view on our website. The Society CPD programme is now published with events indicated until September 2010. Further Society CPD events for the latter half of the year will be published in early Autumn.

Members should note:

  • Within the next week you will also receive a printed copy of the programme along with your personal CPD Record Card for 2010 which should be kept in a safe place and completed throughout the year as, and when, you attend seminars.
  • We are already working on several topical events to add to the programme, details of which will be issued via E-nformer and publicised on the website. Therefore, please keep an eye on your emails from the Society and log into the members section of the website from time to time so you don't miss out.

The Society thanks those members who have taken the time to offer feedback and guidance on topics of interest to the profession. All ideas for CPD events were collated and considered for inclusion in the programme. We have incorporated numerous suggestions within this programme and other ideas will be included in next semester’s schedule of events.

To Book a place on a Law Society CPD event you can either:

  1. Complete the Society’s booking form (to be issued with the programme) and post to the CPD Coordinator with the appropriate fee. (Please make photocopies of the form for each event/ delegate.)
  2. Email the CPD coordinator at to register your interest. A place will be held provisionally for you until payment is received after which your place will be confirmed.

Please note that places held provisionally and not confirmed with payment will be released.

We hope that you find the enclosed programme of interest and I look forward to seeing you at our events.

Yours faithfully

Una Day

CPD Co-ordinator


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