12 January 2017
NEW - CPD Events for 2017
Dear Colleague
The 2017 CPD year is now underway. To allow you to start planning for and completing your 2017 CPD requirement please note that the following CPD events will take place in January and February 2017. A hard copy of the full January – December 2017 CPD Programme will be sent to you shortly.
To book a place or for further information please e-mail cpdbookings@lawsoc-ni.org.
Many thanks
Susan Duffy
CPD Co-ordinator
*full details of each CPD session are downloadable at the bottom of this page.
1. Overview of Home Charter Practice Directions and Guidance from the Society, CML issues and Land Registry issues. Opportunity for members to provide feedback.
2. Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Update: Preparing for the changes – Fourth AML Directive, Criminal Finances Bill and Law Enforcement position
3. Legal Book-keeping Course
4. Tax year end planning opportunities
5. Social Media Marketing for Law Firms
6. Competency Based Selection and Interviewing Skills: An Overview
7. Consumer Rights Act 2015 - The New Law of Trader-Consumer Contracts
8. Growing a Business Series
9. Costs Series
10. The Work of the Appeal Tribunals
11. Law Society Library and Information Service: Compact Research Course