10 July 2012
International Property Law Conference 2012
I am pleased to be able to bring you details of an important international property law conference to be held in Belfast on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th September 2012.
I am assisting in organising the Belfast Property Law Conference on behalf of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association. The event is being arranged in conjunction with Queen’s University School of Law and the Law Society of Northern Ireland.
For those wishing to attend an interesting range of topics and international speakers have been assembled. The preliminary details of the conference can be downloaded by clicking here.
As you will see renown speakers such as Professor John Wylie, Professor Lizzie Cooke, the Law Commissioner for England and Wales and Mr Justice McCloskey of the Northern Ireland Law Reform Commission will all deliver a key note address on current property law issues.
The Right Honourable, the Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, Justice of The Supreme Court, United Kingdom, will also deliver a short presentation on human rights and property law.
In addition to these speakers there will also be contributions from lawyers from a range of Commonwealth countries dealing with such topics as land rights for indigenous peoples and property law in a recession and property law implications arising from natural disasters – for example flooding and earthquake.
The principal sponsor of the conference, First Title will also contribute on the role of title insurance for property transactions.
All of the conference sessions including a dinner for delegates (Thursday 27th September 2012) will take place in the newly refurbished and magnificent Riddell Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.
This conference is a must for anyone practicing in the area of property law as they will have a unique opportunity to hear from international experts commenting on current trends as well as practitioners speaking on practical situations relevant to this jurisdiction but with an international flavour.
The cost for attending the Conference is £250.
Please note - it is expected that the conference will sell out quickly. Places are limited and a waiting list will be employed once the quota is met.
Therefore if you are interested in attending, please register your initial interest now by emailing clabelfastpropertyconference@qub.ac.uk
Yours sincerely,
Brian H. Speers
Senior Vice President
Please click here to download the Property Law Conference flyer
Please contact paul.oconnor@lawsoc-ni.org if you are unable to download the flyer.