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15 April 2014

International Mediation Conference Set for Belfast

The growth of Mediation as a means of resolving disputes has been highlighted with the announcement that Belfast is set to host an International Mediation Conference on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th May 2014.

The international conference which has been organised by the Commonwealth Lawyers Association in conjunction with the Law Society of Northern Ireland, the Dispute Resolution Service and the University of Ulster aims to showcase Northern Ireland as a centre for mediation excellence throughout Europe and wider afield.

A highly impressive programme has been organised for the two day conference with international speakers and contributions from Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls, Lord Kerr of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and Professor Laurence Boulle author of many leading publications about mediation.

Delegates from across the world will be attending and demand for places is expected to be high at both a local level and from international delegates wishing to attend.

Whilst the conference is primarily aimed at lawyers the conference is open to anyone with an interest in dispute resolution or mediation to attend.

Speaking in advance of the conference, Brian Speers , conference organiser and leading mediator said:

“I am delighted that so many important key note speakers and international delegates will be attending the mediation Conference in Belfast as it provides the perfect opportunity to share best practice and to discuss policy and procedures from across various jurisdictions on the issue of mediation.  The hosting of this international conference in Belfast will go some way to confirming Northern Ireland as a centre for mediation excellence”.

Those wishing to attend should contact Emma Stephenson at CMG Solicitors in Belfast to request details of costs and available places -


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