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12 May 2020

Important Notice - Undefended Divorce Petitions

Notification of pilot to hear undefended divorce petitions at Belfast County Court

The Recorder of Belfast has confirmed that Court staff at Laganside will commence listing a number of undefended divorces for remote hearing. 

This initially will be a pilot in the Belfast Division for cases which are already in the system awaiting a hearing date.  If successful the pilot will be rolled out to other Divisions and extended to new cases which are ready to proceed as undefended.

The pilot will commence on 26 May 2020 through to 2 June 2020, with all cases being listed at 30 minute intervals each afternoon.  Notification will issue in the next week to solicitors and any litigants in person.

The Recorder has provided Guidance Notes for the hearing of these cases.  Please access the link below:

Members who receive notification of an undefended divorce being listed should follow the Guidance and make appropriate arrangements with their clients so that the case may proceed.

Members are also reminded that clients should only attend at your offices to take part in a remote hearing if it is safe to do so. Remote hearings for this pilot may also take place  with your client being at an alternative location such as their home.


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