DATE(S): Various – see below
TIME: 1pm – 2pm
VENUE(S): Law Society House, Belfast
COST: £35 per session
CPD HOURS: 1 General Group Study
The Law Society in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Housing will be delivering a series of three Housing events during 2018.
Loans for mortgage interest - Wednesday 12 September 2018
From 6 April 2018, help with mortgage interest costs on a mortgage will be by way of loan payment secured on the property. This seminar will outline the changes involved and in particular will consider the Loans for Mortgage Interest Regulations (NI) 2017 and their implications for solicitors.
Recent developments in mortgage repossession law - Wed 12 September 2018
This seminar will consider recent Northern Ireland cases in mortgage repossession law and in particular the discretion of the court to grant an order for possession of residential property.
Acting for a private landlord - Wednesday 7 November 2018
This seminar will examine in detail the documents which a landlord is required to give a tenant at the commencement of a tenancy.
The sessions will be delivered by Charles O’Neill, Director of Product Development in Co-Ownership Housing. Charles has previously held a number of legal and operational roles.
A solicitor by profession, he has a keen interest in housing law and policy and has written textbooks on the law of mortgages and private tenancies in Northern Ireland.