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03 July 2019

European Circuit Annual Conference, Rome

This year the European Circuit hosts its Annual Conference in Rome on the 12th-13th of September, hosted with Unione Nazionale Camera Civili and Camera Civile Di Roma.  The aim will be to explore the differing approaches of common lawyers and civil lawyers to different aspects of litigation as well as visiting the Italian Supreme Court, the Corte di Cassazione.  

All lawyers in Europe are entitled to join the Circuit and those engaged in cross-border litigation will gain two concrete benefits from attending this conference.  First we cover the cutting edge issues of litigation analysed by leading practitioners as well judges from national courts as well as two Advocate Generals from the CJEU.  Second we provide a forum in which cross-border litigators can meet to discuss issues of common interest. 

International law firms provide such opportunities in-house but lawyers in smaller firms, chambers or bar libraries need a forum in which to meet like-minded colleagues from other bars and to build a network of contacts.  In particular the Circuit aims to encourage younger lawyers to follow their natural interest in things international through building their knowledge in their formative years of practice.

To register, see our website:



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