04 October 2016
Court Work Skills - An Interdisciplinary Approach
Following on the success of previous years’ courses, The Masters Module in Interdisciplinary Training, developed jointly by the Institute of Professional Legal Studies and the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, will run again in November 2016.
It is recommended by the Society’s Children Order Panel Accreditation Board to all Family Law Practitioners.
The course will facilitate the training of Family Law Solicitors with other professionals. It is intended for qualified practitioners and builds on foundational knowledge. It involves 25 hours of directed learning and will be delivered over 4 days in Queen’s University.
The approach to teaching is inter-disciplinary. Participants will be taught jointly by qualified barristers and social work academics with expertise in the area of Family Law.
The course contains a balance of teaching with up to date input informed by case law and research evidence and a skills development component, which will be delivered through interactive workshops. Participants will have an opportunity to practice and develop key skills in examination in chief and cross examination.
The following areas will be specifically covered:
1. Northern Ireland Legislation and up to date case law relating to child protection and welfare.
2. Threshold criteria and assessment of risk and the specific relevance to court proceedings.
3. The case management process in child care proceedings;
4. The role and parameters of responsibility of different professionals in the court setting.
5. The principles of good written and oral evidence.
Entry Requirements:
LLB and Certificate in Professional Legal Studies or BSW in Social Work (or equivalent).
Course accreditation and assessment:
For legal practitioners, there will be 25 CPD hours available including 3 hours for Client Care and Practice Management. The module can also be studied as a ‘stand-alone’ Masters Level Module and assessed through a written assignment and accredited as such on completion by the University. Credits gained on completion of this module are transferable and can be used to obtain higher academic qualifications.
Course dates and venue:
The course will run on the following dates:
11th and 12th and 18th and 19th November 2016 in Riddel Hall, Queen’s University Belfast
Applications for the course can be made by contacting Maria Husin at ssesw@qub.ac.uk to request an application form.
The cost of the course is £522
The revised closing date for receipt of applications for 2016 is: 7th October 2016.