21 April 2020
Consultation on Proposals on the use Live Links for Police Detention
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find below 'A Consultation on Proposals on the use of Live Links for Police Detention/Interviews'.
The consultation will be open for a six week period, with submissions due before midnight on 1 June 2020. The response form can be accessed via the following CitizenSpace link.
You will see that we have added the key points from the consultation to the response form. Details of how your response may be used can be found in the consultation document and online.
We welcome your views and feedback therefore if you have any queries or questions please send them to pphr.consultations@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk.
As a result of the current Coronavirus pandemic we will not be able to meet with you directly but we will do our best to engage with you in an effective way to address any queries you may have.
As our team is not currently office based and we have no access to printers, unfortunately we are unable to post hardcopies of this consultation. If you have any specific requests for alternative formats we will endeavour to facilitate them. We would also appreciate that if you need to contact us please use the email address provided above as we do not have regular access to post.
Finally please use the Citizenspace link to submit your formal response to the consultation.
We really appreciate your support and understanding in these unusual circumstances.
Police Powers Team
Police Powers & HR Policy Branch Policing
Policy and Strategy Division
Safer Communities Directorate
Department of Justice