15 March 2017
Company & Commercial Lawyers Group
Subscription fees
Dear Member
Please note that subscription fees for the Company & Commercial Lawyers Group for 2017 are now due.
Membership provides the opportunity to receive discounted rates on a broad range of CPD courses throughout the year and represents excellent value. Attached for reference is a Snapshot of the Group’s activities during 2016.
If you wish to renew your membership for 2017, please complete the membership form (included at the bottom of the Snapshot) and return it to Rachael Leatham, Mills Selig, 21 Arthur Street, Belfast, BT1 4GA together with a cheque for £30.00 made payable to The Company& Commercial Lawyers Group .
Please note that membership is open to anyone who practices in any areas of company or commercial law so please feel free to circulate this membership form within your respective firms.
If anyone has any questions on membership, please feel free to contact the Company & Commercial Lawyers Group at companycommerciallawyersgroup@gmail.com.