This event, organised by the Children Order Panel Accreditation Board, will be a valuable course for those:
- Working in the area of the Children Order;
- Currently on the Children Order Panel;
- Who are not members of the Panel but practise in this area.
A range of experts in this field will be delivering presentations on topical and relevant issues.
The programme for the day is as follows:
9.00am Registration and Coffee
9.30am Introduction - Fiona Donnelly, Chair of the Children Order Panel
Accreditation Board
9.40am Welcome The Honourable Mr Justice O’Hara
10.00am Civil Justice Review – Family Update, The Right Honourable Lord
Justice Gillen
10.45am Coffee
11.10am The role of a psychiatrist in Children Order Cases - Mike Shaw, FDAC
11.50am The judicial experience in Court - Nick Crichton, FDAC
12.30pm Break out groups, either:
a. Etrials and digitalisation - Caselines and DLS
b. Marginalisation issues in Children Order cases - BME and disability - John Sheldon and Patricia Devine, NIGALA / Legally Able
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Parental alienation and co-parenting - Karen Woodall, Family Separation Clinic
2.45pm Break out groups, either:
c. Brexit implications for Children Order Cases - Grainne Murphy BL
d. How to think differently about people who think differently - autism - Clare Burke
3.15pm Avoiding delay in the best interests of the child - Suzanne Rice, Solicitor
4.00pm Close - Mike Shaw