Session 1
Wednesday 12 April 2017 1pm – 2pm
Accounting and Reporting for Charities
The Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations, which commenced on 1 January 2016, mean that all registered charities must report annually to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland on their activities, governance and resources.
Compulsory annual reporting by registered charities has been introduced into Northern Ireland on a phased basis, following the commencement of charity registration in December 2013. In 2017, this means that many charities will have had their first taste of reporting to a regulator and of having their accounts published.
Myles McKeown, Head of Compliance and Enquiries at the Charity Commission will present an overview of the regulations and what lessons have been learned so far.
Session 2
Wednesday 1 November 2017 10am – 11am
Charity Law Update
Regulation specifically relating to charities is still in relative infancy in Northern Ireland. With regulations continuing to stem from the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 and greater obligations being placed upon charities, this session will discuss the main developments in 2017, what charities can expect in 2018, highlight decisions of the Charity Tribunal and the High Court and cover lessons for the sector from the latest casework and investigatory work of the Commission.
This session will be delivered by Yvonne Bell, Legal Advisor in the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.