Competency based assessment is the primary method of selection used by the statutory agencies in the Criminal Justice system in Northern Ireland, as well as across the wider public sector in general. Taking a competency-based approach to selection means assessing an individual’s specific skills, competencies, attitudes and behaviours as they pertain to a particular job. The competency-based interview in particular, is often approached with trepidation by candidates because the format is very different to less structured interviews and requires a specific approach in order to succeed. As with any technique, understanding and practice enhances skills.
This practical seminar is designed to increase knowledge and understanding of the competency-based approach to selection as well as providing practical tips and guidance on how to complete an application form and structure your interview responses using a competency based approach.
Fiona Keenan, Director of Keenan HR Consulting Limited, will deliver the session. Fiona has over 17 years professional experience in the fields of recruitment, selection and interview coaching. She has previously held Senior Management positions for Marks and Spencer plc, Vision Information Consulting and was a senior manager for the HR Consultancy Team at Deloitte Consulting. Fiona has also served as an Independent Assessor for the Office of Public Appointments, a Judicial Appointments Commissioner for the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission, a Non Executive Director for the Department of Education and as an internal verifier for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
· This practical seminar is designed to increase knowledge
and understanding of the competency-based approach to selection as well as
providing practical tips and guidance on how to complete an application form
and structure your interview responses using a competency based approach.